Reunion Photos

Date lastupdated

If you would like to submit pictures please email me by clicking HERE

Memphis 2004 Pictures

San Francisco Reunion Sept.2002 Click here

Please be patient, there area lot ofimages here and it takes a while for them to load. They are available to anyone who wants them, just email me. I am always adding photos here, I took about 100 pictures at thereunion.  I lost some of my notes so if you have info about these picturesand who they are please send me the names with the picture file name (you canright click on the picture and select "Properties" to get the filename) and I will add the info to the picture. Someone asked me for these SanDiego pictures and I don't know who it was, any clues?
 Thanks everyone.

Click on the Photos for FULL view

Photos sent by Bernard Wooley

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USS Pennsylvania Reunion Banner Mr. Larry Lariviere Al and Shirley DuBois (Ocala, Fla) dancing to a tune which was played in honor of their anniversary
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Mr. & Mrs. Hoot Gibson (Unknown) - Wade Johnson - Margaret (Wade's "Date") John Walker - Pauline Butterworth
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Shirley DuBois - Cecil King - Al DuBois Cecil King - Al DuBois Banquet room (photo taken from Podium)
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Banquet in progress
Gloria Perez, Becky & Jim Askew, and Joan Bukovitz.
Shirley and Al DuBois' table at banquet (Robert
Hill, Lucille Hill, Esther Lariviere, Larry Lariviere.
Pauline Butterworth, Cecil King and others can be seen
in background)
Guest Speaker, Paul Mathes

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Paul Mathes with admirer Paul Mathes with admirer Paul Mathes at podium (Jess Dennis on his right
and chaplain on his left)
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Paul Mathes with Larry Lariviere Mrs. Gibson - Hoot Gibson - others Jess Dennis with Chaplain
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Wade Johnson - Margaret - Shirley DuBois Bud Taylor - Markey Taylor

2000 Reunion, Memphis TN

The following photos were sent to meby Tom Mussatto "CS" Division, thanks Tom, you are the first to sendany pictures.

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Shirley Jablonski, Mike Jablonski (F), Tom Mussatto (CS) Vernon Gibson (7th), John Frisbey (CS) Wallace Ashwood (1st) and Daughter Dee Tucker
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Howard Grounds, Flag (RN2c), Norbert Grawe (4th), Rudy Cunningham (Wade) Clayton Walton (E), Clive Fontenot, Jess Dennis Jess Dennis, Wade Cunningham
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George Nail (4th), Stan Solmonson (7th) Group Picture Group Picture
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Banner Jess Dennis Pennsy Painting
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Howard Grounds, Flag, RN2c Wade & Ruby Cunningham (R) Russell King & Wade Cunningham (R)
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Russell & Martha King (R) The  Ladies

6th Division Reunion 
April 25, 2000

Thank you Carol Serr for these greatshots

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back row: Harry Trez, Evelyn Griffith, T.D. Lake, Vera Pawling, Bill Pawling (SP), Cy Villhauer, Charles Serr, Urban Neff (front row:) Rosemary Trez, Mary Serr, Lucille Smith, Marian Richardson, Melba Dowell, Claude (Cosmo) Griffith Bud Taylor & ??? Cecil King and his stepson Bernie Wooley and his wife June Wooley
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Harry Trez Cy Villhauer Elisha Richardson
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Urban Neff


1999 Tucson

Special thanks to JaneMcLeary for emailing me with some picture ID's


Ken Munro (A), Dave Lake (6th) Lee Bates(E)  Charles Serr(6th)
  Clarence (Cy) Vilhauer(6th)    Elisha (Richy) Richardson (6th) & Cecil King (6th & 9th)
Doug Wooley  Quarters
Vince Scharfin, (4th) & Bud Taylor(6th) Cecil King (6th&9th) & ???
Mel Girard (M & MAA) & Ken Munro (A & MAA)  Ernest Martin (E) & Lee Bates (E)
T.D. Lake & LucilleSmith Jim Wheeler & Clyde Holms
Ernest & Joan Bukovitz(4th) Marie Blair, ????, ????
Jim Wheeler (M) (Diver), Clyde Holms (2nd), 
Mel Gerard (5th & MAA)
Bill Rey & Joe Yaklowich
4th  (thanks Jane)
Monica Scharfin,  ????,   Dixie Jones,  Lucille Hill Monica Scharfin 
Ester Lariviere & Jackie Rey Jane McLeary, ?????, Esther Lariviere
Ron Middleton, 4th division Paul (son of Phil), Ron & Phil Middleton
Larry & Ester Lariviere James & Becky Askew
Sherry Munro, Bernice Munro, Dot Henderson, George Henderson (A), 
Ken Munro (A)
Bernice Munro, Dot Henderson,  Ken Munro (A), George Henderson (A)
Jesse Ramirez (4th) Jesse Ramirez (4th)
Lucille and Bob Hill Breakfast
Breakfast Breakfast
Breakfast Vernon & Linda Gibson (7th)
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B. R King (L Div.) B-17 @ Air Museum 
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Arnold Stevens (?) "F" div. Jim & Diana Wheeler 
Diver & "M" div.
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Stan & Gladys Solmonson, Rudi & Belle Millen, Linda & Vernon Gibson
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Cecil King, Paul Mathes, Robert & Lucille Hill, ?, Esther Larivere,
Bernard Wooley and ?.
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Sam & Jeanne Sandell,  Bud and Marky in background. Sam & Jeanne Sandell
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 Leo Hamilton (right corner). Irv Hall, Hank Showers, Bob White,
Bill Marvin, LeRohn D Deysher , Tony Gerace, and Leo Hamilton.
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Stanley L. Solmonson 
7th Division

1998 San Diego