usa-clear.gif (10636 bytes) GrantShotswell   usa-clear.gif (10636 bytes)

Charter Member of America's Greatest Generation

1915 - 2005

Grant Shotswell Passed away at the age of 90 at Vancouver, Washington on April 25, 2005.  Ironically just a few miles from where he first went aboard the USS Pennsylvania .  I first met Grant 6 years ago when he wrote to me to tell me about his album.  I invited him to come to our home and show me this great piece of history.  When Grant and Ramona (his wife) walked in the door it was like I had known them my whole life. His memory of his years aboard the Pennsy  were remarkable.  I asked him if I could make him the official pre-war historian of the Pennsy web site, he agreed. Over the next 6 years I forwarded many requests for information about the pre-war period of the USS Pennsylvania's and Grant never failed to do his best to answer them all.  My father and I joined Grant, Ramona &  Nadine at the San Francisco reunion and had a great time.   To Grant's family my heart and prayers go out to you, this great man will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved him...  Ken Munro


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Grant's Son Ralph, 1943, Chula Vista, CA His Album Ralph, Ramona, Nadine, Grant, 1943, Chula Vista, CA

Clickon Pictures to view full size, then BACK button/arrow to return to this page

I met Grant Shotswell on theinternet and we have been in touch ever since.  Grant wrote me and asked ifhe and his Wife could stop by and see me because he had something for me tosee.  They live in Washington and were visiting relatives in the area.  Of course I said yes, the minute I seen Grant and began listening to him I feltas if I had known him all of my life.  This Pennsy Sailor is sharp as atack and full of information and life, he is 85 years old and what atreat.  He was carrying a leather bound photo album with his name on thefront and a hand drawn picture of the USS Pennsylvania, it was beautiful andcontained over 100 photos taken in the years 1934 through 1938 when he wasaboard her (Page Background).  He offered to leave the album with me sothat I could scan the photos and get them on the site. On our way to  theReunion in Tucson we stopped by his home and returned the album and gave him acopy of the web page on a CD for him to look at when ever he wanted.  I hadnot completed this page yet. 

Grant, Thank you from all of us,this is very special and I know the readers will love it...

Thanks Grant


I will be adding comments about thepictures as I get more info from Grant, so stop by again to see how it isprogressing.  The picture names indicate what I thought they were about....

Grant just left my home after spending several hours helping me sort out themess I made of his album.  Here are some of the corrections he made and alotmore descriptions, thanks again Grant, you are one super guy. 


Grant's Album
1934 to 1938

14inch.jpg (68489 bytes) 5inch.jpg (61020 bytes) 7_4_36 SF Parade.jpg (65083 bytes) actordickpowell.jpg (57281 bytes) airshow.jpg (40979 bytes)
 14" shells, 2 types Note 3' rule next to the shells   5" AA  firing San Francisco Parade in 1936 Dick Powell, Actor Lexington, Ranger (new) and Saratoga Plane passing in review.
admReeves1.jpg (45914 bytes) greatshot.jpg (69895 bytes) inspection.jpg (33493 bytes) admReeves.jpg (67036 bytes) captGig.jpg (32517 bytes)
Change of Command  Change of command Admiral Reeves leaving the Pennsy Admiral Reeves on shore San Pedro, Waving goodby to his barge Admiral Reeves's barge.
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5" gunnery practice Bremington Navy Yard 1935 At sea Looking Forward Bremington Bremington
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Oakland Bay bridge in the 1930's Pannama Canal At anchor at San Pedro Captain Wilson Light house a Coos Bay Oregon.  Carl Veley and Howard Wilson.  
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Boot Camp Chief

Howard Perkins, Drain, Oregon

USS Brooks DD-232
6 Battle Stars WWII

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USS Hopkins  DD249
10 Battle Stars WWII
Dick Powell the Actor Dick Powell the Actor
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Bremerton dry-dock Bow shot, Bremerton Dry-dock, Bremerton At sea At Sea
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6th Division 5" Practice 5" Practice Convoy Quarterback
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1935 Football Champs 1935 Football Champs 1935 Football Champs 1935 Football Champs 1935 Football Champs
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Football Coaches, Lambert, Larson, Bamberder  Out of San Francisco, note the line of battleships, 1936 Mess Table Gruber Gruber
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Late '38-39, pre Pearl, San Pedro Late '38-39, pre Pearl, San Pedro Frisco 38-39 4 stacker Destroyer in heavy seas L.E. Ball on 5" AA sight
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Waikiki, from the Elks Lodge  Royal Hawaiian '36 L.E. Ball on 5" AA Getting ready for the rotten egg picture taking ceremony 
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Transfer life ring for an officer to the Hospital ship Relief, note the lace panties sent by the nurses San Francisco July 4, 1936, building in the back is the Civic Center building, 6th division marching Rose Parade 1936, Pasadena , Calif., The tickets to the Rose Bowl were checked for counterfeit by smelling them, they had to smell like a Rose Only shot of Louise Stone 1936, movie being made. Only shot of Louise Stone 1936, movie being made.
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Forward Mast following retrofit Bremerton Bremerton Panama Canal  Panama Canal 
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Going into drydock in Bremerton Bremerton Getting ready to pick up the spotter plane Convoy, Arizona just behind the Pennsy  Mechanics working on the aircraft
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Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies 
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Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Third one over is Grant Shellback Ceremonies 
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Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies  Shellback Ceremonies 
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Smoke Screen High line from the Destroyer 6th Division, ??? Targets, towed by the USS Utah Band, Arizona is right behind
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USS Macom Saratoga or Lexington Carl Veley, Drain, Oregon Fleet
1Bootcamp.jpg (29675 bytes) 1Bootcampschool.jpg (31029 bytes) 1Buddy.jpg (15121 bytes) 1carrier.JPG (37255 bytes) 1cars.jpg (25959 bytes)
Boot Camp Chow line Boot Camp Boatswain Class Shipmate Schwartz from Brooklyn NY Saratoga or Lexington Panama City 1936
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Hawaii Waikiki, Hawaii 1935, Elks Club Panama Hawaii Hawaii
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Hawaii, sugar cane Hawaii San Francisco Hawaii



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